Can You Exercise While on the Cabbage Soup Diet?

Can You Exercise While on the Cabbage Soup Diet?

The Cabbage Soup Diet has been around for a long time. No one quite knows where this diet came from but people turn to it if they want to lose weight fast. It is a very low-calorie diet that is why it is only done for seven days. You will be consuming around 800-1,000 calories a day, which is probably the main reason why the diet really works.

The diet is composed of mainly cabbage soup recipe with other foods such as fruits, vegetables, skim milk, brown rice, fish, chicken, beef and fruit juice. These are only allowed on specified days throughout the diet plan. Drinking plenty of water is also recommended for this diet – at least eight glasses a day. Black coffee and unsweetened tea can also be allowed.

One of the frequently asked questions about this diet plan is, “Can you do exercises at the same time to lose weight faster?” The diet plan itself doesn’t include exercise.

Reasons why exercise is not recommended while on the Cabbage Soup Diet

You are discourages to exercise while on the diet because:

  • There is little or no protein on the diet. Protein has 20 types of amino acids which are essential for moving oxygen around in the blood. Shortage of these amino acids causes the body to experience subtle signs of low oxygen, which manifests itself as low energy levels, tiredness and fatigue. With less energy, you cannot do exercises because you are too tired. There is a reason why people who exercise need their protein. It helps them endure the physical requirements of a workout routine. Low or no protein diet and exercise is not a good combination.
  • You only consume 800-1,000 calories a day. People on a low-calorie diet often lack energy and move very little. It is very hard to exercise when you do not have enough energy to do it. Calories are burned when you exercise. The conserved energy in your body is used up making you feel weaker. The basic dietary needs of your body are also not met.

Believe it or not, it can cause you to lose weight much slower because your body is in “starvation mode” causing it to slow down your metabolism. We all know that slow metabolism can cause weight gain in the long run. After the 7-day diet, you will surely gain more of the weight you lost which can be a ticket to yo-yo dieting. When the diet is done, you are also prone to instant overeating. A low-calorie diet can also cause muscle loss.

  • Low in key nutrients. With exercise, you sweat a lot, making you lose electrolytes in your body during the process. The Cabbage Soup Diet is low in essential nutrients such as calcium, iron and zinc. This can cause electrolyte problems which can lead to dehydration. Consuming soup throughout the day can also make you lose interest in drinking water. Dehydration can cause symptoms such as weakness, tiredness and dizziness. In severe cases, it is associated with irregular heart rhythms, muscle contraction, fainting and difficulty in breathing.

Bear in mind that the Cabbage Soup Diet is only a quick fix diet to immediately lose weight. It is only done if you want to lose weight before an event or it can be used to jumpstart your weight loss journey. Exercising while on this diet may cause more problems than benefits and it is hard to take the risk. A very low-calorie diet cannot be combined with exercise.

Diet and exercise are done together for long-term weight loss. With this strategy, you lose fat and gain muscle. You will need a more balanced and healthy diet that can also meet the requirements for your workout routine.

Foods you can consume to help you lose weight while exercising

If you are decided to still workout while on a diet, here are the foods you can take.

  • Foods with healthy carbohydrates. Carbohydrates can provide your body with the energy you need to get through your workout routine. Whole grains, vegetables and fruits are good choices for they are rich in nutrients and has fairly low calories.
  • Lean sources of protein. Seafood, lean red meat, poultry, tofu or beans are excellent sources of protein. You can also include non-fat or low-fat dairy foods or yogurt in your diet as snacks after you exercise to help refuel and promote muscle recovery.
  • Healthy fat in small amounts. Fat is also a source of energy. Include foods with unsaturated fats such as nuts, avocados, seeds, healthy oils and fish such as salmon. Eating these types of fat can also help decrease your risk of heart disease.

Making the right food choices can keep you energized while exercising without making you hungry. Between Cabbage Soup Diet and exercise, you only have to choose one. Sadly, these two are not meant to be done together.